Loriville Gazette
2001 Jul 11 thoughts

There is so much to do before I leave town in TWO DAYS. Do the mound of laundry. Buy new hiking shoes. Color my hair. Painstakingly apply self-tanner. Paint my toenails a beautiful color. Decide what to take on the trip. Pack. When oh when will I find the time to do these things? I work today and tomorrow, after all.

I tried out the juicer last night, even though I didn't really have any produce. The broccoli had already starting getting moldy, so instead I used the leftover basket of blueberries and 3 or 4 cherry tomatoes. I got about 3 sips of juice out of it. Not bad.

Then, several hours later, I muttered to M in my sleep, "Don't put my blanket in the juicer" with worry in my voice. Or so M told me this morning. Of course, I don't remember any of the actual scenario.

I inadvertently missed my first day back at ballet last night. I feel sick about it. I was working away as usual and lost track of time. I would have been 20 minutes late to class... and when you're 8 or more minutes late to class, you may as well not go because you'll miss some critical warm-ups.

So I went home instead and waited for M to arrive so we could go out to dinner. Mel's Diner has changed their recipe for fish & chips, by the way. Unfortunately, not for the better. I don't think I'll be ordering fish & chips there ever again. Humph!

I got a call yesterday from a recruiter at a private landscape architecture firm in San Jose. He left a message on my voice mail saying that I was recommended by one of his acquaintances and that he wants to discuss employment opportunities available to me at his firm. I didn't call him back... yet. I mean, I'm flattered that he wants to offer me a job, but I'm quite happy at my current office. Plus, I do not want to work in San Jose. I won't even consider how horrible it would be to work in San Jose, nevermind the fact that I'd have a horrendous commute from San Francisco. No amount of money could get me to consider changing jobs right now, which is why I don't even want to talk with this recruiter guy. Of course, I'll have to call him back eventually and tell him that I'm not currently willing to consider an offer. What a pain in the neck.

Well, that's all I have to say. Ciao!

back & forth

quick recap - 2007 July 13
Happy August! - 2006 Aug 01
I dream of Albuquerque - 2006 Jul 08
mindstorm - 2006 Jun 30
Pomegranate scale - 2006 Jun 24