Loriville Gazette
2006 Jul 08 I dream of Albuquerque

Greetings from Albuquerque!

I had to bring my laptop because I didn't finish the article before leaving. It wasn't such a bad idea, anyway, though, because now I can fool around on the internet during Isaac's naps. If I hadn't brought it, my only other options would be watching t.v. or reading Glamour, neither of which are that appealing.

I've been noticing how completely different this trip has been since the last time we were here in '99. Having a child completely changes your world in just about every way imaginable. It is not about us anymore.

After arriving on Thursday, we hit a playground so that Isaac could burn off some of his pent up energy. Yesterday we had lunch with Hope and Karl (the bride and groom) and then took Isaac swimming at the hotel's pool & jacuzzi.

This morning we went to the zoo, then played in the bunny-filled arroyo behind the hotel before heading to the rehearsal dinner. We primed Isaac for being up way past his bedtime by telling him we were going to a party. He loves parties!

For the past several hours we've been enjoying a spectacular thunderstorm. I am in heaven! We watched the arroyo that we were playing in just minutes prior fill up with water. Then we saw strange things floating down the arroyo, including lots of trash and a miniature chair that was tumbling head over heels. Even the little swale next to the hotel filled up with water and became a pretty large stream. Everyone tells us that July is monsoon season here in New Mexico. I don't question it.

The days are punctuated with one long nap in the middle of the day. Today Isaac took a 3-hour long nap. M and I joined in today. Bliss!

Tomorrow we will be going to a dinosaur museum with the groom's brother, his wife, and their two kids, then hit the pool again before going to the evening wedding.

This is oh so different from our trip nearly 7 years ago. Back then, we had a whirlwind nonstop trip that started in Albuquerque. We headed north to Taos then doubled back through Albuqueruqe and headed south, through Roswell (where we visited the National UFO Museum), to Carlsbad Caverns. We happened to be in Carlsbad Caverns during their annual Bat Flight Breakfast. So we toured the caves one day and watched all the bats fly out that night to hunt their prey. We went back the next morning to watch the bats return to the cave and then enjoyed a complimentary pancake breakfast hosted by the rangers.

From Carlsbad Caverns, we headed southwest to El Paso, TX/Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, then northeast to the Gila Cliff Dwellings near Silver City. From the cliff dwellings, we headed north through Las Cruces... and then eventually ended up in Albuquerque again to catch our flight. We had a blast!

I fell in love with New Mexico back then. I was surprised to find that I still love it just as much, if not more, now. I keep musing to M, "You know, I see a lot of high-tech companies here. We could move here, you know...." He won't even entertain the idea other than for retirement.

Right now I'm sitting here sipping a glass of wine. M went with a friend to pick up more friends from the airport. Isaac is asleep. I am thinking I'll indulge in a long hot leisurely bath.

It's late: 11:15 pm local time. Maybe I should start that bath and then hit the hay.

Good night!

back & forth

quick recap - 2007 July 13
Happy August! - 2006 Aug 01
I dream of Albuquerque - 2006 Jul 08
mindstorm - 2006 Jun 30
Pomegranate scale - 2006 Jun 24