Loriville Gazette
2003 Sep 05 TGIF!

Some clueless goofball on the "Advice from Brides" board recently asked why so many women aren't taking or didn't take their husband's last name. She wailed, "I just don't get it!"

The following is my response to her.

Since you asked, here are my reasons:

1) I like my last name.

2) I've established myself in my career with my last name.

3) I don't like the tradition of it (i.e. women were forced to change their last name because, once married, they became their husband's property).

4) I don't think it's fair that the woman is always expected to change her name. Why not the man?

4) My husband and I both considered changing our last names to something new... until we realized that we'd both have to go through the name change process. No, thanks!

5) I personally don't like the surname Mrs. (it seems so old and stuffy!). I prefer Ms.

6) I don't believe two people should become "one" after marriage. Everyone is an individual and should be treated that way.

7) I love that I can have the "best of both worlds": be married to my best friend and still carry my own last name.

8) It makes me happy. I have never had any regrets - even for a second - about keeping my last name. It's who I am... and I like myself!


So here I am, one day away from being 33 and yet I am sporting a rather unattractive pizza face. What gives?! When I turned 30, my skin glowed like the mid-summer sun. This is downright upsetting. Silly me; I thought acne was supposed to improve with age.

My facial isn't for another week, dammit.

Happy Friday!

back & forth

quick recap - 2007 July 13
Happy August! - 2006 Aug 01
I dream of Albuquerque - 2006 Jul 08
mindstorm - 2006 Jun 30
Pomegranate scale - 2006 Jun 24