Loriville Gazette
2004 Jul 04 Fireworks

Being a mom is sometimes very hard work. Oh, who am I kidding? It's very hard work not just sometimes, but most of the time.

At least to an infant.

I'm dealing with severe sleep deprivation. Last night, Isaac was up every 1.5 hours wanting to be fed. I got about 4 hours of sleep total... and only in 1 hour increments.

I'm dealing with breastfeeding problems. First it was oversupply and overactive let-down. Then it was Isaac screaming about halfway during feedings, warranting a gastroesophageal reflux disorder diagnosis, then me giving up dairy. Now it's low supply and trying every trick in the book to bring it back. The most recent trick of drinking lots of water and a beer every day coupled with pumping like crazy and taking mammary supplements seems to be working, thank heavens. I'm also having difficulty with pumping but it may only be because of the low supply (I hope!).

I'm going to start being brazen about breastfeeding in public. I've been embarassed to do so but found this breastfeeding manifesto just today on the Kelly Mom web site. Here it is:


Indiscreet Breastfeeding Manifesto

I will nurse my child anytime, anywhere, no matter who is present or what I am wearing.

I will bare my breast with pride and confidence.

I will not apologize for nourishing and nurturing my child.

I will not smother my child with a napkin or blanket.

I will smile at everyone around me and ignore rude stares.

I will know that I am giving my child the perfect infant food from the most efficient, ecological, and economical delivery system.

I will know that I am giving my child the healthy start that is his or her birthright.

I will set an example for women and girls, educate the public, dispel breastfeeding myths, desexualize the breast, and make the world a better place, all through the simple act of feeding my child.


I will follow the manifesto and not stay cooped inside the house any longer, trying to calculate where I'll be when he might be hungry and how I will breastfeed him modestly.

Thank heavens the colic/reflux nightmare of 24-hour screaming is over. Isaac is 8 weeks old today and has turned into a sweet little baby who hardly every cries and smiles, laughs, coos, and babbles. All the challenges I face as a parent are worthwhile.

Right now Isaac is asleep, dinner has arrived, and Six Feet Under will be starting in 15 minutes. There will be no fireworks for us tonight.

Happy 4th of July!

back & forth

quick recap - 2007 July 13
Happy August! - 2006 Aug 01
I dream of Albuquerque - 2006 Jul 08
mindstorm - 2006 Jun 30
Pomegranate scale - 2006 Jun 24