Loriville Gazette
2003-06-30 a scary true story

I was reading my Taking Charge of Your Fertility book last night in bed when something large and dark-colored caught the corner of my eye.

I looked up and (hold on to your hats!) the large and dark-colored thing was a freakishly large moth the size of a small bird!

It was careening around haphazardly in the air-space above my bed.

My shrieks were punctuated by "Oh my hell!" and "what the...!" and "goddammit!" while I burrowed under the covers. M, watching t.v. in the next room, asked what all the commotion was about.

"Come in here, quick! It's the largest moth I've ever seen in my life!"

He stood in the doorway and saw it flying around the room.

Good thing we had purchased a moth swatter the other day at the five and dime. It had already been well-used, so he knew exactly where it was located.

I burrowed underneath the covers again when he left the room.

He came back not three seconds later with the swatter and proceeded to hunt it down and kill it. I'll tell you one thing: it didn't die very easily.

I made him dump it outside in case it came back to life.

It was very scary. Regular moths living in our house are simply an annoyance. Superlarge moths living in our house are downright petrifying.

The worst part about this story is that it wasn't the only one. This morning, while moving the towels to get into the shower, another moth of approximately the same size came flying out of the towel at me! I screeched, then immediately ran for the swatter and repeatedly hit it. Even after several swats, it lay there twitching on the floor in the throes of death until I couldn't bear to watch it anymore and simply picked it up and plopped it in the covered trash bin.

This makes me wonder.... Did the small moths from the birdseed grow into these large moths or did they happen to fly into the house when we had all the windows wide open during the heat wave? I sure hope it's the latter because I surely do not want to be dealing with those beasts on a daily basis.

The end.

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Happy August! - 2006 Aug 01
I dream of Albuquerque - 2006 Jul 08
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