Loriville Gazette
2003 Jun 16 beating the bug

Well, I had a follow-up appointment with my physician today. He confirmed that I do indeed have a nasty vertigo/labyrinthitis viral thing. He confirmed it by asking me to lay back, move my head from side to side very fast, and tell him how I felt. Me: "Ugh, awful! And now I can't focus again."

Thanks to Catie, Milkmaid, and Colz for the nice notes in my guestbook. As a matter of fact, it did occur to me that I could be experiencing a panic attack or freaky pregnancy symptoms. Thank heavens it's neither because I sure as hell don't know how I'd manage panic attacks for the rest of my life and if pregnancy feels like that, then I don't want any part of it.

So now I'm conflicted about when to go back to work. The doc said to take my medicine and take it totally easy for a while. I balked. The medicine totally puts me to sleep and is not going to help me get over my virus faster. It just treats the symptoms, knocking me out in the meantime. He says knocking me out isn't necessarily bad because I'll at least get the rest my body needs.

And it didn't help that the vertigo hit me full blast while eating lunch today. When it happens, my body doesn't know how to deal with it and I get verrry close to fainting. It's super scary.

I'm worried about being out in public when it happens. The problem with going to work when this virus is still raging is that my travel time is 40 minutes each way. If I experienced the vertigo on Muni or BART, I'd just as soon die.

The biggest problem is that the episodes hit me like a ton of bricks. I'll be sitting there, feeling like I'm kicking the bug... and then the extreme nausea and vertigo will blind-side me. The doc says this is normal.

On another note, we have a moth problem. We received a very cute, artsy bird feeder with a couple pounds of birdseed for a wedding gift. Little did we know that moths lived inside the birdseed. It took us a while to figure out where the moths were coming from. It didn't really bother me until the past couple weeks. Now I'm enraged. Whenever I see one flying around unsuspectingly, I run for it and hit it to the ground. They're easy to hit... but there's so many of them it's nearly impossible to get them all.

There are even dead carcasses in the window sills.

I hope they haven't found my sweaters.

How does one get rid of moths?

I'm shedding my hair like something fierce. I think it's a response to going off the birth control pills. My sister said her hair thinned a lot when she went off them. I really don't mind that much, since my hair was horrendously thick before. There's definitely room for some thinning. It's just that it's a little disconcerting to run my fingers through my hair and have several strands come out. Ditto for when I'm brushing my hair... or washing it. Plus, several strands are stuck to my shirt at any given time.

Well, I think I'll go take my medication and spend the next couple of days in a drug-induced stupor. Fun!

back & forth

quick recap - 2007 July 13
Happy August! - 2006 Aug 01
I dream of Albuquerque - 2006 Jul 08
mindstorm - 2006 Jun 30
Pomegranate scale - 2006 Jun 24