Loriville Gazette
2003 Feb 04 what's been going down

The weather has been pretty damn beautiful for the past few days. The skies are super clear, free of smog and haze. For example, it's so crystal clear I can see the rock outcroppings on the Berkeley Hills from my office! I just can't get over it. I wish every day were this gorgeous!

M and I went hiking on our favorite hiking trail in Marin last weekend. I want to do it more often. The last time I had gone was last September (with Sabra from Salt Lake)... and the last time I'd gone with M was probably in July or August.

It was overdue.

M and I were walking back from having lunch in the park on Sunday when we passed our favorite neighborhood bakery. There was a pigeon stuck in the store! It kept flying into the windows in an attempt to get out. All of the customers were just kind of staring at it in awe, acting like they didn't know what to do. M saved the day! He herded it out successfully (if you call ripping out a tail feather by accident successful). Then he said, "I am the pigeon wrangler. Just call me Pigeon Meyer."

We were interviewed again last night by the media as an "internet dating success story". This time it was for KRON 4 News. Anchor Vicki Liviakis and a cameraman came to our house to conduct the interview. Afterward, they wanted to get some goofy shots of us playing on our computers and kissing in the bedroom doorway before M kicked the door closed with his foot. Because the segment is part of a Valentine's Day special, they used funky red lighting.

Vicki is really animated, friendly, and funny. After the shoot, we compared migraine medication notes (don't ask me how that conversation started...!). She claimed that she found just as much relief with anti-nausea medication as with the hard-core migraine medications, so I think I'm going to ask my doctor about that. A couple weeks ago, I read the drug precautions info sheet that came with the samples of Maxalt; it looks like a pretty scary drug. I may be too chicken to try it (yeah, I say that now when I'm headache-free. Talk to me when I'm writhing in pain and it will be a different story).

Work has been crazy lately. As in "potential lawsuit" crazy. Long, long story. All I can say is that there's a manager who works in my office who is openly hostile to his minions. The sh*t is hitting the fan. For some unknown reason, upper management is protecting him. Because of this, he's not even getting disciplined. His minions have contacted the union, however, and are now carefully documenting his behavior.

Something needs to happen and fast because I'm getting tired of this. My good friend, a coworker, is being stalked and harrassed by this creepy guy (who also works here) and management simply transfers him out into the field and even allows him to work in the building on some days.

I am so confused about why this is allowed to happen. I get so angry just thinking about it!

Zero tolerance, my ass.

back & forth

quick recap - 2007 July 13
Happy August! - 2006 Aug 01
I dream of Albuquerque - 2006 Jul 08
mindstorm - 2006 Jun 30
Pomegranate scale - 2006 Jun 24