Loriville Gazette
2000 August 30 cell phone abuse

I'm sad. Last night was probably my last night attending yoga in Alameda. Now that I've moved up to the Ballet Adult II class, my training nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Yoga is, and always has been, on Tuesday nights. What a dilemma. I guess now I'll have to find a yoga studio in San Francisco for a Monday or Wednesday night class. I'll really miss Sandy, though. She's the greatest!

Anyway, in class last night this guy's cell phone started ringing... right as we were in the beginning stages of shivasana (sp?), which is the cool-down. Not only did he get up to do whatever you have to do to shut them up, but as soon as he was back to his mat and getting situated again, it started beeping, telling him he had a message. Of course, he had to get up again and turn it off. It was a huge commotion.

Needless to say, Sandy made a big speech about how you should turn your phone off during class, during the theater, etc. I mean, hello?, isn't that common sense? I felt bad for the guy. After class, he apologized profusely. I think it was his first time in Sandy's class... and possibly his last. ;)

This reminded me of the time I sat next to the woman from hell during Gladiator. I knew I wasn't going to have a happy movie experience from the minute she sat down next to me. She was about my age, and was joining two of her friends her were already sitting a seat away from me. First of all, she came in late. She brought with her a plastic bottle of soda and a bin of popcorn. She stumbled past Maurice and I without excusing herself (a big faux pas in my book!), then plunked herself down in the seat directly adjacent to mine. Then, she proceeded to munch noisily on her popcorn. Several times, her empty bottle of soda popped out of the drink holder and landed with a loud hollow sound on the floor. She'd pick it and stuff it back into the drink holder until she bumped it and knocked it out again... and again... and again. She was in no way trying to be quiet about the whole sorry situation.

Did I mention that she had her legs crossed so they were touching mine? She kept sighing and shuffling around in her seat, obviously trying to find a comfortable position.

Guess who's cell phone started ringing during the movie? Yes, the Woman From Hell's. She fumbled around in her bag for a while, then shut off the ringer. Then, about three minutes later, the same thing happened to her as what happened to the guy in my yoga class: the phone started beeping to alert her of a new message. Again, she had to fumble around in her purse to find her phone and turn it off. Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell that she was looking at me to see if she had irritated me enough for the evening.

Please, turn off your phone if you are not going to answer it. Better yet, leave it at home or in your glove compartment in case of emergency. Isn't that what they're for, anyway: emergencies?

By the way, I pointed out the offensive woman to Maurice on our way out of the theater. He used to work with her at Informix! He recognized her, but didn't know her personally (lucky for him!). What a small world.

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quick recap - 2007 July 13
Happy August! - 2006 Aug 01
I dream of Albuquerque - 2006 Jul 08
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